Tag Archives: love

A hopeless romantic with a half empty glass

My heart aches for the imaginative, the fanciful.  I yearn for the beauty of “true love” and “soul mates.”  But my glass is half empty.  And my rose-colored glasses smudged.  I’m a pessimistic optimist … or an optimistic pessimist.  I want things to turn out sparkling – but I don’t believe they will.

I find solitude romantic now.  I find broken hearts and missed connections beautifully painful.  And haunting.  I let my heart lie to my brain with giddiness – find a secret pleasure from the heat that surges between my legs at hopelessly romantic thoughts.  But in the back of these thoughts, behind the shadowy veil  …  Sits an half empty glass.  With lipstick smudging the rim.

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Happy sad happy mad happy

I feel like a yo-yo lately.  One day I’m on top of the world, the next I don’t want to get out of bed.  The days of not wanting to get out of bed are getting fewer and fewer, though.  And I don’t stay in bed -eventually I get up and go out and do things.  I talk to people and exercise and do some work.  I find things to eat and go shopping when I need to.  I do some crafts and clean up my apartment now and then.  I’m functional.  I’m just not back to 100% efficiency.  I’m not turning out product after product or getting things done way before the deadline.  I’m taking time to think and reflect.

I’ve decided I’m not allowed to drink alone anymore after what happened the other night.  I’m a little ashamed.  I didn’t mean to get drunk, but I’ve lost a lot of weight so alcohol effects me a little stronger than it use to.  I started drinking because I was happy, but then as I drank I became sadder and sadder and a little mad and I ended up texting my ex (I know his number by heart so even though he’s out of my contact list, I still know how to contact him).  Nothing crazy or loony drunk – just “the rum says hiiiiiiiiii.”  I woke up cuddling my phone.  He never responded, which makes me feel somewhat relieved.  I hope he just smiled, deleted the message, and stuck the phone back in his pocket.  The last time we talked he told me to do whatever I thought I should do when I wanted.  So … I was drunk and lonely and wanted to text him hello so I did.  I feel like that shows I’m weak and pathetic, but SCREW IT!  I ain’t a stoic marble statue here.  Of all the things I could be doing, I think what I did was highly benign.

Overall, I am moving forward, day by day.  I’m learning things about myself.  I’m enjoying the sun on my face and the wind on my cheeks.  I’ve been skiing and swimming and dancing, reconnecting with old friends, making new ones…  setting new goals to reach and new places to visit.  I guess I’m finally allowing myself to have opinions and tell people what I think or believe in.  For a long time I didn’t want to be seen as the shadow of my ex, so even if I held the same ideas or beliefs, I didn’t talk much.  Funnily, I didn’t see it at the time but that made me more of the shadow.

And then I get mad at the way things were left and disappointed.  But then I talk to more people and find that I actually have a much bigger heart than that.  I find myself forgiving and understanding.  I find myself wanting to be a lot more vindictive than I really am.  I try to say something villainous about my ex and then just laugh because it’s so not the case.

I’d like a little closure, I guess, though.  Just to see him and go “oh, ok!  we are over!” so then I really can go about my life.  Right now I’m hesitant and afraid and worried that I am letting something special go.  That I’m not fighting hard enough.  But then I realize, I did all I could.  It’s not in my hands anymore.  It’s just … it all came to an end so quick after such a long time.  I just want to look him square in the eye and ask again, now the dust has settled, “are you certain?”  But I guess I will have to take that fantasy to bed with me, because, in reality, that’s not ever going to happen.  I’m going to have to settle for living with regrets and “what ifs” and loose ends which will probably make my life run a whole lot bumpier down the road.  Awkward meetings.  Unsettling feelings that will rise up in my heart when I hear he’s getting married or having a child.  Learning to love and trust all over again.  Trying to find someone else I feel that special connection with – that I want to jump on and kiss and tell them all about things I’ve seen or done and go on adventures with and cook with!  Sigh.  I don’t get it.  I want to sit back and go “oooooh, yes, it was a terrible relationship!  we didn’t understand or care about each other!  he treated me terribly!  I’m glad to be out of it!  Good riddance!”  But … 1) it wasn’t, 2) we did, 3) not on purpose, 4) no, and 5) no.

Having a relationship is very important to me.  I think since I was in 3rd grade I wanted a boyfriend.  My parents love each other so deeply – even though they share hardly anything in common.  I look up to that.  I looked up to my grandparents and my aunts and uncles.  I was exposed to such strong and caring relationships when I was little.  It seems such a wonderful thing to have someone to share all these moments with, to have someone to trust with your deepest desires and secrets, to have someone to snuggle in beside at night and wake up in the morning next to.  It’s not that I HAVE to have it, but I WANT it.  I want to share life with someone else, intimately and closely.

I think my favorite breakup quote that I’ve come across during this experience is: “Time will tell or time will heal.”


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Mile marker: Month One

So, about a month ago, I sat down and started this blog.  I was in a Bad Way.  Tears, snot, boo-hooing and all that jazz.  Fast forward to today.  How am I?  Still desperately in love with the man who dumped me, but growing so strong on my own and recognizing what went wrong and being determined NOT to fall into the same manholes in the future.  I haven’t talked to my ex in over one month.  Not really talked, at least.  I’ve sent a few snippets of information to him via email that had nothing to do with me.  But he has no idea how I am, and I have no idea how he is.  Although I do wonder.  I wonder lots …  So, how am I?  Note last post (still freakin’ awesome).

I think my choice to join Ballroom Dance is a physical representation of taking on my fears and self-doubts.  I do NOT think of myself as graceful by any means.  I’ve had to dance in a few plays and they always hid me in the back if they could or stupefied the moves for me.  I have no intuition of rhythm. I don’t know my left from my right.  And I’m really bad at following direction – verbal or physical.  So, taking this dance class is an amazing challenge.  Last week, I almost broke out crying and ran out of the room.  This week, however, I started to GET it.  I started to focus and be patient and have fun and ask for the guy to go through things slowly with me before the music started.

Likewise, I recently read about “codependency” in relationships, and the thoughts, habits, and mannerisms of codependent people — and a light bulb went off in my head.  I realized that was ME.  I had those thoughts, those habits, those mannerisms.  I am a freakin’ codependent.  Like, in ALL my relationships but especially close relationships.  Oof.  And in being a codependent, I enabled my ex’s narcissistic traits.  Yikes!  I sat reading through what I could find and felt mildly uncomfortable.  However, I was also SO HAPPY as I read and realized –BAM!–  that’s where things went wrong.  And, damn, I have to be careful and train my thinking differently or else I will just fall into that mindset again and again when I fall in love with someone.

But I think the counseling I’ve had (and have) is really starting to make more sense to me.  I haven’t felt this happy in a long time.  I haven’t focused this much on me in … ever?  I want to call up my ex and tell him all this.  Tell him all the revelations I’m having and share with him my excitement.  I don’t want him sitting somewhere and worrying about what he’s “done” to me or if he can ever contact me again.  I want to show him how much I’ve learned and thought about and realized.  I hope he’s been doing the same kind of growing on his own.

Maybe our paths will cross again someday.  Until then, I’m going to keep doing my thang.  And it’s pretty fun.

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The Breakup Song

One of the women at my work told me that she had this really angry breakup song that she would just blare every time she caught herself thinking about her ex.  But I’m not an angry person.  Sure, I have moments of anger toward the terrible way that my ex left me and the immaturity he showed during and after the breakup, but overall, it was a great relationship, and, even though he’s going through a dark spot in his life – underneath it he is a good person.  I will always care about him and have a soft spot for him.  Therefore, an angry breakup song just doesn’t feel right, and makes my skin crawl a little bit.  Moving on shouldn’t involve trying to develop angry thoughts toward someone that hurt you once that loved you deeply for a lot longer.

But I thought about the breakup song idea any way.  What would be my breakup song?  Disturbed: “I’m Alive?”, “Spit it Out,” Slipknot?  I like a lot of heavy metal …  Then I realized I needed some that would perk me up and make me thankful for my life’s experiences – not angry.

So, I think I’ve settled for Bob Marley’s “No woman, no cry.”

“Good friends we have had, oh good friends we’ve lost along the way
In this bright future which is life you can’t forget your past
So dry your tears I say…
No woman, no cry”

That line resonates with me.  My future is BRIGHT.  My past was great.  Sure, I’ve lost great friends – but I HAD them.  And I still have lots of them, and I making new ones.  I go on.  That’s what you should feel when listening to a breakup song: Hope and Happiness, not anger and hate.

Bob Marley live in concert in Zurich, Switzerl...

"Nuh woman nuh cry!!! No, no, no -- Please don't shed no tear!!"


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I’m not sure this counts as a FAIL and Other Things

Is this a fail?  I found this stupid photograph that reminded me of my ex online so I sent it to him.  Fail?  Maybe?  Maybe not.  I wasn’t asking him about what he was up to or if he missed me or what I was doing – I just thought he’d appreciate the damn picture.  Whatever.  He still has yet to contact me on his own in two months.  I feel bothered that I’m to the point where I just want to be friendly now, and he has yet reached the point where he can treat me civil — when he broke up with ME!  What the hell?  What evil thing did I do to him??  My lecherous vines of sweetness and sexiness warped his poor little mind, apparently … leading him to places dark and tempting.  Now he must use all his WILL POWER to forget me.  Unless he never liked me, which I’m having a hard time entertaining.

Other Things; things I’ve learned about, things I’ve thought about, things that have happened to me over the last two months:

1.  I love skiing of all kinds.

2.  I finally think that I’m really pretty!  And smart!  (Hooray for counseling and anti-depressants!)

3.  Letterboxing exists.

4.  My tongue bruises.

5.  There are stores that sell only futons out there.

6.  It’s weird to have been fat and lose lots of weight and have people tell you look so thin when you are used to thinking of yourself as this weight in the first place.  I don’t look thin … I look normal.  It kinda makes you want people to tell you that you look FAT when you put wieght on as an incentive to lose it.  “My, your pants are looking so tight.”  Not, “Your pants are so baggy now!”

7.  My ex has a very common car – make, model, and color.

8.  I influence A LOT of people without even realizing it.

9.  Brands of tea really matter and how you brew them.

10.  I’m an affection whore.  Please hug me.  Please touch me.

11.  I do not wash dishes often but I make a whole lot less of them then my ex did.

12.  I can’t sleep if my feet are cold.

13.  A some point during the night I will take off most or all of my pjs.

14.  My best friend is currently a lesbian who I think might have a crush on me.

15.  I don’t know how people “shut” off their minds – damn them!

16.  I may have bought a loveseat that I don’t know if the movers can get into my apartment.  We shall see Thursday.

17.  I spent a good 20 minutes talking to my oral surgeon today that I had a consultation with about molecular biology.  And I’m going in to have the last of my wisdom teeth removed in a month under local anesthesia only … again. I said in order to stop me from talking so much this time, the surgeon was going to have to talk me through each step and tell me what he was doing because last time I got yelled at for asking during the operation.  He laughed and said that wouldn’t be a problem.  He also did not chastise me for my tongue ring, which I appreciated…  I think I have a crush on my new oral surgeon.

18.  I want to ask this other guy I know of out for drinks but I don’t want to look like I’m coming on to him because it’s too early for that and I don’t want a rebound.  I seriously just want to learn more about him.  Should I?  Shouldn’t I?  Hmmm…

19.  I have friends who randomly leave me messages telling me they love me and that makes me feel awesome.

20.  I saw a bumper sticker that said “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty,” and I think that is now my life’s motto.  So I bought some tulips for two wonderful ladies in my life right now on a whim and will deliver them tomorrow.

21.  I kinda like this bloggin’ thing.

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Squeaky Bread machine

I bought a bread machine that looked like it had been used once today for $4.  So I picked up some flour and yeast and am making bread.  The machine is super squeaky on the “mix” cycle.  But I have high hopes.  I have often stuck my nose up at bread machines as I like the hand crafting that is involved in kneading and mixing but some days it would be nice to just throw some flour in a machine and come back to fresh baked bread. Mmmm…  Like today.

I’m achy from skiing this weekend.  I never downhill skied until last year, and that was something most people couldn’t believe, given that I grew up in a state where some students literally took off all winter to hit the slopes and that was okay by school standards.  My awesome ski instructor, a dear friend, decided that when I first went that I was too hardcore for the bunny hill and took me straight to the top of a green circle trail where she showed me the ropes.  She has been skiing her whole life and taught four year olds for many, many years.  Apparently, I took to it “like a fish to water,” but I think she was just an awesome teacher.  The “wahoos!” and “good jobs” and “make a rainbow and PULL yourself UP!” and “squish that spider in your booth with your calf!” really made the experience totally worthwhile.

This past Saturday night was my third time on the slopes.  My amazing friend and teacher and loner of equipment was there to cheer me on and, again, was very proud of my abilities.  Apparently, I instinctively carve when I want to stop and my turns are nice and parallel.  I like downhill skiing because it is one of the first times I’ve ever instinctively understood physics and my body — which is a huge deal for me.  I am probably the most clutziest person known to man:  I’m always covered in bruises from running into things and watching me try to dance makes people want to cry.  Left from right?  Huh?  Syncopated beats?  I think that was your foot… Whoops!  So, the fact that I’ve been able to pick up swimming and now skiing in my adult life makes me think that I can understand my body somewhat some day and maybe I’m not always going to be a gawky, awkward gal.

Skier carving a turn off piste

This is not me. I was not brave enough to use poles this time. I was afraid I would poke my eyes out.

Downhill skiing is like swaying down the snow.  You press your weight this way, you turn your foot this way, you go faster, you go slower, you glideeeeeeeeeeee along.  I don’t like speed yet because I’m still not 100% comfortable with my control and I’m afraid of taking out a poor little kid.  Oof but I love it!  I’m totally saving up for downhill equipment.  By the end of the night I was spending longer on the lift then on the slope.  I was inspired and brought my cross country skis back from home (not that that is anything LIKE downhill, but it’s the equipment I have).  I just want to be out there with my nose red from cold and my cheeks looking like China dolls.  This winter has been so beautiful!  I love the cold on my upper thighs and green pines peaking out from snowy icing.

So, yah, doing well.  Very well.  My sadness has dissipated.  Or rather shifted focus.  I am no longer sad that I am “alone” — alone meaning with all my amazing friends and family members and coworkers and random acquaintances…  I am sad that my once amazing partner let his narcissism get the best of him.  My ex has always had a hint of narcissistic behaviors.  He loved to look at himself in the mirror.  He liked to make himself the center of attention.  He often complained about how much smarter he was then others – comparing himself to people like Chris Langan … he failed because he was a misunderstood genius; that he was smarter than his teachers and they didn’t like him because of that.  He was terrible gift giver because he never really thought about what would make people smile or happy, and he always took other people’s time for granted – often being late for appointments, spending excessive amounts of time changing or getting ready for thing, and doing things waaaay past the deadline.  But he use to do things for others when they needed help, so I could stomach the narcissism.  He genuinely tried to help people out when they were feeling down – he got me to go to counseling when my depression was hard hitting.  He was there when friends needed a drive to the airport or hospital.  Now I wonder how self serving his intentions were but I’m going to believe in my heart they were true.

Oil on canvas

I just want to DO that hottie down there!

These past two years when his ego was shot to hell by multiple failures, so I think he started to spend all his time with those who admired him and made him feel good and nonthreatening.  Often much younger and who knew little about him.  The kind, caring man I knew started to snarl and grow impatient with things that bothered him, with not succeeding or accumulating greatness, which was very unnerving.  Then, he would get upset when I confronted him with the unkindness that he had been showing me and tried to hide things from me rather than address the problems.  The manner in which he dealt with our breakup was the final straw that showed his narcissism had taken completely over.  Unwilling to take a single shard of blame for letting our relationship hit a low point, it was “we’ve grown apart,” “we don’t know who we are anymore,” and “we are just incompatible” followed by “you are a wonderful woman,” “I care about you so much,” and “I hate seeing what I do to you.”  Yet so many inconsistencies with his actions and words.  “Sure, I’ll go to a conuseling appointment because this relationship means so much to me,” and then when I let him know how much his intimate emotional relationship with another woman is bothering me “I can’t limit the time I spend with another girl because that would be like thought crime!” And then after the breakup:  “I hope you remain in my life in some way for years to come,” and yet not a peep, and the times I’ve tried to contact him “me, me, me,” not a single “hey, how are you?  Uh, thank you for the past amazing seven years of my life.  And I’m sorry I decided that I’m not ready for a relationship right now in my dirty dishes, weird eating entire boxes of crackers and other strange dietary habit style of life, and that I would wake you up when I decided it was bed time at 4 am because I have no sense of time or how most of the world lives their lives.”

So, I’m ranting because I’ve had a drink or two to loosen me up, and I’m angry with his narcissism.  Grr.  And that the cool person he once was – the friendly, funny optimist — seemed to vanish and an angry, distraught, pessimistic, self-serving bastard appeared and decided to march all over me like a English army from the Revolutionary War – leaving me completely bewildered and questioning my sense of self.

Re-enacters of the 33rd Regiment of Foot Welli...



If this girl was a boy she’d be a Green Mountain Boy (see me as a Green Mountain Boy in the picture below).

Springtime in Vermont

How not to be seen.

And I ain’t rollin’ over and wavin’ my white flag.  I’m adventuring on.

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Month One, Post One

My boyfriend of seven years decided in early December that ‘it was time to go our separate ways.’  So here I am, single for the first time in seven years.  Heart broken.  Missing him every day.  But determined to go on.  I was hopeful at first as he left saying I was a wonderful woman who he cared deeply about and wished that I would remain “in his life some way.”   He seemed very happy to hear from me the few times I im-ed him this past month to say hi.  But I realized yesterday that I am not going to heal well this way — that I am obsessing on the idea that we will get back together and his “I’d like to be friends,” means that there’s a chance for him to change his mind and take me back.  And I can’t focus on me if he’s still in the picture.  This was his choice to dump me.  Now he’s going to see what life’s like truly without me, and I’m going to see what it’s like without him.

So, I had read and read all sorts of stories on the Internet about breakups because this is my first one ever, and I wanted validation that I wasn’t alone and that the feelings I had were normal. In my reading, I read a random post somewhere on some love site of a girl having similar issues, and she said:  “I’m going to have three months of just me!” and I loved that.  Immediately, I loved that.  So, here, I am: threemonthsofme.  Even though we had an amazing relationship together, and I constantly wonder about how he’s doing or if he’s remembering “Move car Monday” or if he misses me – I need to stop and focus on me.  Yesterday, I ‘unfriended’ him from Facebook.  I took him out of my phone.

I’m going live three months without contacting him, and see where that takes me.

Apparently, I’m the type who likes to keep moving.  Today I went on Meetup and found three groups that sounded interesting in my area and signed up for: 1) a book club for agnostics, humanists, and atheists, 2) a group entitled “fun, fearless, and [fabulous] females,” and 3) a foodie’s group for those who love food.  There’s a book club on Sunday that sounds fun (gotta find the book, eep!) and a cool foodie meeting at the local museum in February.  I’m determined not to wither away or sink away into the shadows.  And there’s really no reason why I will.  I have an amazing family who’s been great to me during this time.  I have amazing friends who have reached out and check up on me: here in my town and all across the world.  I have two awesome co-workers.  One who made me amazing French onion soup and got me drunk on wine on Friday night and then treated me to a 35 min full body massage in her home by her friend Jimmy who’s a professional masseur.  The other who’s helping me with my research and encouraging me to finish my PhD.  I have an awesome counselor.  I have this craft group that keeps me laughing.   And, yet, I find a huge hole in my heart, and I find myself crying on and off and wanting not to get out of bed.  The person that was my closest friend for the last seven years of my life is gone … only he’s not.  He lives down the hill from my new apartment.  I think that makes it worse.

So, I thought having this blog would help me keep me motivated and on task to “my three months of me.”

xkcd.com, Randall Munroe - (Note: roles reversed in my story but, basically, this is close to how it happened.

think I’ll go take a bath and burn some yummy candles.

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