Tag Archives: Crushes

I’m not sure this counts as a FAIL and Other Things

Is this a fail?  I found this stupid photograph that reminded me of my ex online so I sent it to him.  Fail?  Maybe?  Maybe not.  I wasn’t asking him about what he was up to or if he missed me or what I was doing – I just thought he’d appreciate the damn picture.  Whatever.  He still has yet to contact me on his own in two months.  I feel bothered that I’m to the point where I just want to be friendly now, and he has yet reached the point where he can treat me civil — when he broke up with ME!  What the hell?  What evil thing did I do to him??  My lecherous vines of sweetness and sexiness warped his poor little mind, apparently … leading him to places dark and tempting.  Now he must use all his WILL POWER to forget me.  Unless he never liked me, which I’m having a hard time entertaining.

Other Things; things I’ve learned about, things I’ve thought about, things that have happened to me over the last two months:

1.  I love skiing of all kinds.

2.  I finally think that I’m really pretty!  And smart!  (Hooray for counseling and anti-depressants!)

3.  Letterboxing exists.

4.  My tongue bruises.

5.  There are stores that sell only futons out there.

6.  It’s weird to have been fat and lose lots of weight and have people tell you look so thin when you are used to thinking of yourself as this weight in the first place.  I don’t look thin … I look normal.  It kinda makes you want people to tell you that you look FAT when you put wieght on as an incentive to lose it.  “My, your pants are looking so tight.”  Not, “Your pants are so baggy now!”

7.  My ex has a very common car – make, model, and color.

8.  I influence A LOT of people without even realizing it.

9.  Brands of tea really matter and how you brew them.

10.  I’m an affection whore.  Please hug me.  Please touch me.

11.  I do not wash dishes often but I make a whole lot less of them then my ex did.

12.  I can’t sleep if my feet are cold.

13.  A some point during the night I will take off most or all of my pjs.

14.  My best friend is currently a lesbian who I think might have a crush on me.

15.  I don’t know how people “shut” off their minds – damn them!

16.  I may have bought a loveseat that I don’t know if the movers can get into my apartment.  We shall see Thursday.

17.  I spent a good 20 minutes talking to my oral surgeon today that I had a consultation with about molecular biology.  And I’m going in to have the last of my wisdom teeth removed in a month under local anesthesia only … again. I said in order to stop me from talking so much this time, the surgeon was going to have to talk me through each step and tell me what he was doing because last time I got yelled at for asking during the operation.  He laughed and said that wouldn’t be a problem.  He also did not chastise me for my tongue ring, which I appreciated…  I think I have a crush on my new oral surgeon.

18.  I want to ask this other guy I know of out for drinks but I don’t want to look like I’m coming on to him because it’s too early for that and I don’t want a rebound.  I seriously just want to learn more about him.  Should I?  Shouldn’t I?  Hmmm…

19.  I have friends who randomly leave me messages telling me they love me and that makes me feel awesome.

20.  I saw a bumper sticker that said “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty,” and I think that is now my life’s motto.  So I bought some tulips for two wonderful ladies in my life right now on a whim and will deliver them tomorrow.

21.  I kinda like this bloggin’ thing.

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