Movie Popcorn Down My Shirt

I like to look at my cleavage.  So I often wear shirts that show a little boobage.  It use to be more fun when I weighed 20lbs more and had a good cup size or two larger but I still appreciate their soft roundness, and I’m sure many other people do too.  Where this runs into problems — apart from a college classroom where sex-deprived Asian male students with huge rimmed glasses stare down your shirt instead of listening to you lecture and catch you off guard — is eating popcorn at the movie theater.  In the rare event that I go to a movie (as I did this evening), it always seems the person I go with has a odd desire for movie popcorn.  So we cough up our right leg for a bag of disgustingly salty, slimy popcorn and shovel handfuls of the nasty stuff into our mouths in the dark.  Inevitably, I drop some down my front.  But I don’t realize this until later.  Like just a few minutes ago when I came home and changed my shirt and shower of movie popcorn rained onto the floor.

Anyway, I saw ‘The Kings Speech’ with my good friend tonight.  It was nice evening.  I actually enjoyed the movie — although the Oscar totally went to the wrong actor.  I mean, Colin Firth was good and all but – Geoffrey Rush was phenomenal, especially when you sit there and go “wait, Captain Barbossa?  Really!?”  I’m not a huge film goer but every now and then I venture out when I hear lots of acclaim about one.  I guess this lived up.  I can’t compare it to the other films of the year (having not seen any … )  But the movie was well written and the character development was great – even the subtle stuff in the background, like Lionel’s wife giddy with pride at the end after you see her in the beginning looking kinda like she regretted having all those kids with this goofy voice coach.  I liked the artistic screen shots and the attention to details – like the 1930’s fire hydrants on the sidewalks.  It was a very real movie – how a seemingly small problem (speech impediment) can cause so much damage to one individual, and the pride that one individual can gain over coming that problem.


I think I’m going to cuddle with my new man (that is if he puts down the cloth mouse my sister brought him today) and read a book.  I like being able to do that whenever I want.



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